About Us

Our mission is to help brands find and implement the right ecommerce software.


Ecommerce software is a rapidly changing, dynamic space and it can be overwhelming to follow every new technological development. From JAMStack and headless commerce to payment processing and inventory management software, it can be daunting to ensure your brand's tech stack is optimized for growth and a great customer experience.

I started Commerceworm so business and technology leaders had a place they could trust to keep them up to date with ecommerce technology. We approach our product reviews and insights with analytical rigor. You can trust us for the most honest and thorough reviews, analysis, and recommendations.

I've always been passionate about technology. From tinkering with HTML and CSS in the 1990's to building headless storefronts in recent years, I can't stop obsessing about changes in ecommerce technology.

Please reach out if you have any questions about our content, if you'd like to guest post on our site, or if you need help with selecting or implementing the right technology for your brand. You can email me directly at anup@commerceworm.com or reach out to us on Twitter, Linkedin, or Facebook.

We're at a fascinating moment where modern API's, AR, and VR are giving your brands the ability to create unique customer experiences. We're obsessed with these new technological changes and I hope our passion translates to you finding the best technology for your brand.

Anup Sheth

Founder, Commerceworm

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